

Boba App

Mobile App · UI · Wireframing  · Prototyping · Branding




Based in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the “Boba” app is an innovative mobile solution crafted to streamline the creation and management of loyalty programs for businesses of all sizes. It serves as a pivotal tool in enhancing customer loyalty and engagement by offering a user-friendly platform for clients, business owners, and employees to connect and enjoy the benefits of customized loyalty rewards.



When I took on the “Boba” app redesign, I focused on making it more user-friendly and modern. Over two weeks, I worked on creating clear user flows for different stakeholders and adopting a vibrant new color palette. The goal was to rejuvenate the app’s aesthetics and functionality. This approach aimed to ensure a compelling and seamless user experience, deeply rooted in the unique cultural and business landscape of Sarajevo.

You can see the high-fidelity prototype here.