
PROJECT Pactto Mobile · Desktop · UI · UX · Product Design Overview In Josias de Oliveira's Product Design 2.0 course, students were tasked with the challenge of Pactto. The objective was to suggest…

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PROJECT Dexalot Concept · UI · Branding · Wireframing Overview As part of a challenge proposed by the UX/UI Designer and mentor Gabriel de Gennaro, I had the briefing of a…

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+ Saúde

PROJECT + Saúde Concept · UI · UX · Mobile · Wireframing · Branding · Prototyping   Overview During the month of June 2021 as part of the masterclass “UX Design Na Prática”, the team composed of João Marcos…

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PROJECT LightsOn Concept · UI · Wireframing · Branding   Overview This is a challenge-project, made with the purpose of evaluating my UI design skills and no-code develoment at Wordpress using elementor as the…

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PROJECT Nutriti Concept · UI · Mobile · Wireframing · Branding   Overview This is a challenge-project, made with the purpose of evaluating my UI design skills and no-code develoment at Wordpress using elementor as…

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